About our program: "Transformations: Women of Strength"

November 11, 2015  •  5 Comments

Welcome to this blog! The reason I've started this "Transformations: Women of Strength" program is to share the stories of women who have undergone some major life transformation, risen above something that's challenged them, and are now ready to share their advice and wisdom with others in similar circumstances.

I have been looking lately to incorporate a greater life purpose in my work. The thinking I have done about why I am where I am, how I got here and what I can do to help others in a similar situation grew into this program. I would like to photograph women as they are, and then transform them with a beauty makeover (hair and makeup) and photograph them again after their physical transformation.

The thought is that most women need this attention, but especially women who have come through cancer, are survivors of abuse, lost loved ones, or battled self-image or other issues. Secondly, women also need to see themselves the way that the rest of the world sees them. We need our self image to catch up with who we are now, not the version of ourselves from 15 years ago that we still see in our heads!

The photos are a physical representation, but the words, the interview, the story...that's the meat of it. I want to get answers, learn what it is that helps us get through hard times. Is it a support system, are some people just wired differently and why can some people just seem to handle adversity and stay positive? I've seen people pull themselves out and I've seen people go down with the ship. I know there is something we can all learn from those that stay afloat, and I am hoping to find some of what that is and share it here.

In preparation for this project, I recently stepped in front of the camera, and Sharon Cooke was there to take my portrait. If I am going to ask people to share their most painful moments and to be honest about what got them through, then I feel I need to go through the same experience, so I am sensitive to what I'm asking others to do. That will be an upcoming post.

It's scary. I know I am very nervous about opening up about my past. Many of us are afraid of two things: being alone, and being judged. This blog will hopefully help us realize that we are not alone in our experiences, and that the heaviest judgement is often coming from within.

I urge you to nominate anyone you think is a leader in self-transformation. You can send an email to me: [email protected] if you would like to suggest someone, want to know more, wish to donate or even participate yourself!

Thank you for joining the conversation, I hope you stay with us!




Loretta Fulcher(non-registered)
I have been invisible my whole life so I turned inside and withdrew. I was in survival mode for more years than I care to admit. It was abouty safety and trust. I have recently been transformed to the greastest depth I could have never possibly known as I have been through many over the years but this time is different. I have had a safe place to share my story but never publically as it conflicted with my need to continue to be invisible. I seem to be pulled to go public and although the fear of being seen is still there, I feel there is a part of me who now needs to and wants to be seen so to help other women know they are not alone, that persistence is worth it and thete is light at the other end of the journey no matter how long, how old and how desperate. Tell me how I can be part of this journey you have opened to all us women.
Lori Kachmar(non-registered)
Is there a way to send you a personal message? I have a story to be told & documented. It involves Alzheimer's & things people don't want to talk about or to have seen. It's time to pull back the curtain & have a photo-journalist along w/a blog on the reality of the situation. Alzheimer's doesn't affect just the patient - it's a devastating ripple effect.
I am now getting away from the abuse and I have to say how strong you are, it's not easy-I now know that.
Congratulations Christine your very strong!
Noemi del valle
Hi Mrs.Petit ibread your story ndvits amazing the strength a person can give another by sharing similar stories..I myself went thru a very abusive relationship when I was 19 yrs old nd at the time had a baby...I never got to share my story or tell noone until after when it was too late nd it continue to get worse...I'm so happy that you are doing these for those womens that have gone thru any kind of abuse or for those with cancer my mother also had thyroid cancer nd got better....I've have grown to be a strong woman who have raised my kids on my own...I want to thank you again Noemi
i wish I lived in Ct to do this(non-registered)
I sent you an email Christine but my son would say "My mom, she has been through a lot and she could use pampering because she was abused for so long but came out the strongest in the end". I love what your doing my friend, keep it up, hugs joanne
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